Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Final: Fabrication

Deadline: 6/8/15

Interpreting dimensioned drawings is an important engineering skill. Using drawings to create a computer model of a part or product is also important. Communicating information effectively allows a group of people to function as a design team.
In this project you will further develop your modeling skills and your ability to use a computer as an efficient communication tool. The skills that you learned earlier in this course will be systematically applied to model and fabricate a 3D object.


  • Researching the pros and cons of 3D printing
  • Understanding that technical drawings convey information according to an established set of drawing practices which allow for detailed and universal interpretation of the drawing
  • Advanced modeling features, as a way of creating three-dimensional solid models of complex parts and assemblies within CAD, using appropriate geometric and dimensional constraints
  • Collaboration with fabricators


  • Research:
How long will it take to have your part printed? What will it cost? Where will it be coming from? What specifications will you need to share with them? Research the 3D printing process. Determine which facility/fabricator will best serve your needs -- specifically, the size and weight specifications that meet expected cost.

  • Sketch:
What part would you like to see fabricated? What constraints will you need to work within? Create multiview sketches of your part in your engineering notebook.

  • CAD:
How will you transform your 2D sketch into a 3D model? Model your sketches in Inventor.

  • Fabricate:
Share your .STL files with a fabricator, and document your fabricated object.


  • Research notes on the pros and cons of 3D printing
  • Multiview sketches of your object
  • Assembly file of your parts
  • .STL file of your object
  • Fabricated object made by someone else


Complete a reflection for the following topics as they relate to your own work. Provide facts and evidence to support your opinions.

  • What do you think of when you see something that comes from a machine? How is it different when it’s made by a human?
  • Are working drawings always necessary in order to communicate the design of a consumer product? Justify your answer.
  • Animated assemblies are not typically included as part of the technical documentation of a design. How can 3D animated assembly models of an object or a proposed design be used in the design process? Beyond the design process?

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Maker Faire Reflection Post

Designing and building a game from scratch is a challenging process, even more so when working with a big team and on a short timeline. The beta test of Adrastus at Maker Faire was very well received! Take some time to review the survey responses (via the WHS Intro to Design Drive account), and discuss next steps. Specifically:

  • How did the Maker Faire Design Showcase meet your expectations? What do you feel was successful about our showcase? What would you plan to do differently next time?
  • Did you find any of the other showcases at Maker Faire to be inspirational?
  • What did you notice to be the overwhelming response from those that filled out the survey?
  • Knowing what we know now from the beta test, what would you like to see happen next in this game design process?
  • Be sure to include documentation you took at Maker Faire.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Dimensioning Standards

The basic standard dimensioning method established by the American National Standards Institute and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ANSI or ASME) is used to apply measurements to parts to enable clear communication. In order to communicate effectively, a person needs to understand the rules of the language and to follow the standards set down so that anyone who reads the dimensioned drawing will understand the intent and then be able to manufacture the part correctly.

Continue your practice of dimensioning by applying the appropriate dimensions and learning to understand the thought process that is used to create a clear and concise message regarding the size and shape of an object or product.


  1. Post all 3 drawings of the dimensioned parts you created.
  2. Write a reflection on your process addressing these points:
    • What is the difference between size dimensioning and location dimensions?
    • What is the difference between chain dimensioning and datum dimensioning? Which method generally results in smaller dimensional deviation in manufactured parts?
    • What are the similarities and differences between communicating about an object or product part through a dimensioned drawing and through a written description?

Additional Resources:

Dimensioning Standards Power Point

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Maker Faire Game Research

We'll need to work as a team to design our showcase concept Maker Faire, but first brainstorm on your own to determine the types of games you're inspired by. Pick one game to research more deeply, and write a post outlining these points:

  • What is the game like?
  • How was it developed?
  • Who developed it?
  • Why was it created?
  • Was is this game intriguing to you?
  • Include documentation of the game (photos/videos)
To fill out the Interviewing an Engineer survey, please click here.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Reverse Engineering

What is it about an object that captures a person’s attention? Its function—the speed, efficiency, reliability?  Its form— the color, shape, proportion? With an understanding of form follows function, and some insight into the visual design principles and elements, you will be able to create products that capture the attention and imagination of the viewer. 

This week, working in a team of two or three, you will act as an engineering team for a novelty toy company. Your company has noticed the skyrocketing sales of the Automoblox vehicles and would like to design accessories or enhancements that can be purchased separately but will work with the existing toys. As a first step, your team has been assigned the task of reverse engineering one of the Automoblox vehicles. This will follow a process of visual analysis, functional analysis, and structural analysis.


Monday, 2/23:
  • Intro to Reverse Engineering + Maker Faire prep
Tuesday, 2/24:
Wednesday, 2/25:
Thursday, 2/26:
  • Reverse Engineering Reflection Post
Friday, 2/27:
  • Instant Challenge

Reflection Post

How do visual design principles and elements impact the commercial appeal of a product?

What does a black box represent in the system input/output model?

Why do engineers perform reverse engineering on products, and how would you describe it in your own words?

Part of the mission of Automoblox is to "offer a high quality building system that will delight and inspire children while fostering the development of important skills and learning foundations." If given the opportunity, how would you improve the Automoblox design (visually, functionally, or structurally) while furthering the mission of the company at minimal cost?

Monday, February 16, 2015

Geometry of Design

A CAD model can quickly display an engineer’s ideas in a realistic way. And once an engineer has developed a model in CAD representing an idea, the idea can be shared much more easily with a wider audience. As is the case with technical sketching, CAD models must begin as sketches of points, lines, and shapes. However, a computer model can be much more accurate and precise than a freehand sketch. The lines of a CAD sketch can be drawn perfectly straight (or perfectly circular), with start and end points that occur in exact locations in space. A line may also be given precise length through the use of dimensions. If more than one line is being sketched, they can be made perfectly parallel or perpendicular or shown at a precise angle. CAD programs give designers the ability to sketch any kind of geometry and provide the ability to dimension, extend, rotate, mirror, copy and paste, pattern, move, and trim (to name a few tools) that geometry. Whereas hand-drawn representations are made to appear three dimensional by the strategic placement of additional points, lines, and shapes, CAD sketches can be transformed into 3D models using features that appear to add and manipulate material. As a result, within the software designers can extrude, revolve, or sweep a sketch such that the two dimensional sketch appears to become a solid form that can be electronically manipulated and viewed from any angle. Once a 3D model is created, the solid form can be hollowed out or the edges can be rounded.  


Tuesday, 2/17:
  • Intro to Geometry in CAD + Brainstorming Maker Faire
Wednesday, 2/18:
  • CAD Model Features 
Thursday, 2/12:
  • CAD Model Features
Friday, 2/13:
  • Instant Challenge

Reflection Post

What are the various geometric shapes and how are they defined by their characteristics?

How are physical properties of objects used to define design requirements?

What advantages do CAD programs provide over traditional paper and pencil design? What advantages does paper and pencil design provide over CAD?

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Geometric Constraints

Trampoline by Joshua Jenkins

Geometric shapes are found everywhere. Take a moment to analyze products or objects you use every day. Geometric shapes and solids are the basis of these products. Engineers who have a strong understanding of these shapes, solids, and other geometric relationships can help designers develop and create solutions to a variety of problems. As designers progress through the design process and these design solutions are formalized, the level of accuracy and precision in the design specifications must increase. Conceptual sketches are converted to computer models and formal drawings, which include annotations describing the size and characteristics of the design features. A strong understanding of shapes and other geometric relationships is necessary to effectively and efficiently develop these computer and graphic representations.


Monday, 2/9:
  • Discuss geometric constraints
  • Calculating Properties of Shapes
Tuesday, 2/10:
  • Inventor Research
Wednesday, 2/11:
  • Review Calculating Properties of Shapes
Thursday, 2/12:
  • Teach What You Know: Understanding Inventor
Friday, 2/13:
  • Instant Challenge

Reflection Post

  1. What shapes did you use in the design of your model shelter, and why did you choose those shapes?

  1. What angles resulted from the shapes you chose?

  1. What was the overall surface area of the shelter’s exterior? What material would you cover the outside of your shelter with, and how much of it would you need?

  1. What was the overall surface area of the shelter’s interior? Approximately, how many people would comfortably fit in your shelter?

  1. What external load factors did you taken into account for your shelter? How did you design your shelter model to meet those constraints?

  1. How did you consider “form follows function” in the design of your shelter?

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Form Follows Function

If an object has to perform a certain function, its design must support that function to the fullest extent possible. The saying "Form follows function" was coined by the American architect Louis Sullivan in his article "The Tall Office Building Artistically Considered" published in 1896. This 'tall office building' soon came to be known as the skyscraper. He expressed the efficiency of modern architecture with his famous quote:

"It is the pervading law of all things organic, and inorganic, of all things physical and metaphysical, of all things human and all things super-human, of all true manifestations of the head, of the heart, of the soul, that the life is recognizable in its expression, that form ever follows function. This is the law."

Consider the design process and how it was applied to selected objects and systems. How did required functionality affect the specifics of the design? Complete a quantitative analysis of an object. Compare functional requirements with aesthetic values. Using lessons learned, exercise judgement of a product's function and how it affects design.


Monday, 2/2:
  • Discuss how the design process was applied to objects around the PLTW Lab
  • Choose an everyday object
  • Brainstorm the needs and proportions (Keeping form follows function in mind, what would make this object 'better'?)
  • Research and analyze the client and product

Tuesday, 2/3:
  • Read excerpt from Don Norman's The Design of Everyday Things
  • Concept sketch your object, include detailed multi-view sketches 
Wednesday, 2/4:
  • Design CAD parts for the object
  • Develop and refine the design
Thursday, 2/5:
  • Work on presentation
  • Write reflection blog post
Friday, 2/6:
  • Critique

Reflection Post

  1. Describe: Describe what you intended—colors, size shapes.
  2. Analyze: Try to describe the process for how it is made.
  3. Apply: Describe the ways it meets the project requirement
  4. Associate: What does it remind you of?
  5. Compare: To what is it similar? In what way is it unique?
  6. Arguments: Take a stand, have an opinion. How could it be better?

Here's a preview of what's happening next week in the PLTW Lab.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Puzzle Design Process: Midterm Portfolio Review

Problem Statement
A local office furniture manufacturing company throws away tens of thousands of scrap 3⁄4” hardwood cubes that result from its furniture construction processes. The material is expensive, and the scrap represents a sizeable loss of profit.

Design Statement
Fine Office Furniture, Inc. would like to return value to its waste product by using it as the raw material for desktop novelty items that will be sold on the showroom floor. Design, build, test, document, and present a three-dimensional puzzle system that is made from the scrap hardwood cubes. The puzzle system must provide an appropriate degree of challenge to high school students.

  1. The puzzle must be fabricated from 27 – 3⁄4′′ hardwood cubes.
  2. Thepuzzlesystemmustcontainexactlyfivepuzzleparts.
  3. Eachindividualpuzzlepartmustconsistofatleastfour,butnomorethansix hardwood cubes that are permanently attached to each other.
  4. Notwopuzzlepartscanbethesame.
  5. Thefivepuzzlepartsmustassembletoforma21⁄4′′cube.
  6. Somepuzzlepartsshouldinterlock.
  7. Thepuzzleshouldrequirehighschoolstudentsanaverageof______minutes/ seconds to solve. (Fill in your target solution time.)
SubmittalCreate a project portfolio to include the following:

  • Design Process Description, summarizing your work during each step of the design process
  • Documentation, include written work, sketches, CAD parts, images, etc. to support your discussion. Specifically, documentation of:
    • Brainstorm sketches of all possible part combos
    • Cake layers for both designs
    • Choice design, with explanation of why this is the best choice
    • Multi-view for each part of final design
    • Assemblage of one part from your partner's multi-view sketch
    • CAD parts of final design
Please take a minute to complete this survey so that we can make this class more awesome!

Friday, January 16, 2015

Inventor Resources

If you're feeling ambitious, you've already created all five parts in Inventor, and you're ready to move on, you can create an assembly and drawing of your puzzle parts. This video gives a detailed explanation on how to do just that. (Please note that the cubes he is using in the video are 1/2", unlike our 3/4" cubes.)

Learning from videos like this can be incredibly helpful! Do some Googling of your own to find Inventor resources that help answer any questions that you may have.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Cube Quality Control

Today’s consumers are constantly trying to judge the quality of products. But what is quality? How and by whom is quality determined? Some would say the designer creates specifications, which in turn dictate the quality of a product. That quality is also based on the acceptable value of a part within a whole product. Statistics are commonly used in manufacturing processes to control and maintain quality.

This activity will allow you to apply statistics in order to analyze and determine the quality (as measured by the consistency of the size) of wooden cubes. The wooden cubes will be used in the upcoming Puzzle Cube Challenge. You will design and construct a puzzle cube as part of the challenge. The consistency in size of the wooden cubes will affect the quality of your final product.


·         Engineering notebook

·         Pencil

·         Dial caliper

·         27 wooden cubes per student


1. Each of you will receive a set of 27 wooden cubes (3/4 in.). Label each cube (1 through 27) lightly in pencil. Measure the side length of each block along the grain. When taking a measurement, position the block so the caliper measuring surfaces are touching the end grain faces. Record the measurements to create a data set. For this analysis a precision of .001 is necessary; therefore, record each measurement to the nearest one thousandth of an inch (.001 in).

2. Use Excel to perform a statistical analysis of the data to determine each of the following: Mean, Median, Mode, and Standard Deviation.                   

Create a histogram to represent the data. Use seven to ten class intervals (bin values). Be sure to label your axes and define units where appropriate.

 3.    Does your data appear to be normally distributed? Justify your answer.