Monday, February 16, 2015

Geometry of Design

A CAD model can quickly display an engineer’s ideas in a realistic way. And once an engineer has developed a model in CAD representing an idea, the idea can be shared much more easily with a wider audience. As is the case with technical sketching, CAD models must begin as sketches of points, lines, and shapes. However, a computer model can be much more accurate and precise than a freehand sketch. The lines of a CAD sketch can be drawn perfectly straight (or perfectly circular), with start and end points that occur in exact locations in space. A line may also be given precise length through the use of dimensions. If more than one line is being sketched, they can be made perfectly parallel or perpendicular or shown at a precise angle. CAD programs give designers the ability to sketch any kind of geometry and provide the ability to dimension, extend, rotate, mirror, copy and paste, pattern, move, and trim (to name a few tools) that geometry. Whereas hand-drawn representations are made to appear three dimensional by the strategic placement of additional points, lines, and shapes, CAD sketches can be transformed into 3D models using features that appear to add and manipulate material. As a result, within the software designers can extrude, revolve, or sweep a sketch such that the two dimensional sketch appears to become a solid form that can be electronically manipulated and viewed from any angle. Once a 3D model is created, the solid form can be hollowed out or the edges can be rounded.  


Tuesday, 2/17:
  • Intro to Geometry in CAD + Brainstorming Maker Faire
Wednesday, 2/18:
  • CAD Model Features 
Thursday, 2/12:
  • CAD Model Features
Friday, 2/13:
  • Instant Challenge

Reflection Post

What are the various geometric shapes and how are they defined by their characteristics?

How are physical properties of objects used to define design requirements?

What advantages do CAD programs provide over traditional paper and pencil design? What advantages does paper and pencil design provide over CAD?

1 comment:

  1. If you have lots of models to send to someone then I recommend Binfer since you can send entire folders with a simple drag and drop. The link is
